Yogurt of the World: Part 1.1

I just remembered that I was also supposed to do a thing on kefir, a drinkable yogurt, as a request of a friend. I typically do not drink anything more creamy than 2% milk, but I like a challenge obviously.
Probably one of the healthier things I've had in my life
Kefir is technically a fermented milk drink. It's described in all the things I read as "bubbly" but it's not any more bubbly than milk. I drank the vanilla flavor because the idea of plain anything doesn't quite sit well with my mental stomach (just like sour cream and mayo). It has a tang, like yogurt. I can drink a glass and feel fine about it after, but it would probably not be my first choice of drink. In my list of "yogurts" I would probably put it about the level of Greek-style yogurt, below skyr and above the artificial sweet of "regular."


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